Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Atherton Tablelands and surrounds

We stayed in an absolutely beautiful caravan park with manicured gardens, luscious plants and trees, chirping birds above us and rain forest surrounding us. We loved it here even though it rained on and off for the 4 days we stayed.
Atherton is a small, spotlessly kept town with rolling green hills surrounding the town. Each day we went for a drive or a ride discovering beautiful waterfalls and incredible rolling hills covered in mist. It reminded us so much of parts of Tassie.
Windfarms are always Chris's favourite. We always stop and listen to the clean, whooshing sound of the air caused by the blades generating carbon free electricity. (We're thinking of building our own turbine in Ocean Reef!) This windfarm we saw was mist laden and absolutely beautiful.
We stopped at the new chocolate and cheese factory obviously designed by a smart cattle farmer to put his oversupply of milk to good use. Sadly we decided not to buy any chocolate as it was $90 kg!!
We loved our few days here as the temperature was perfect - warm in the day and cooler at nights. We met some nice people too! We also discovered a good old Spar!